Medical tyranny at the hands of Technocrats will advance with an endless stream of human-altering vaccines until the power is ripped out of their unelected, unaccountable hands. There is no such thing as voluntary withdrawal. Power is never voluntarily abandoned. ⁃ TN Editor

“The sort of criteria that might be introduced… is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip.”

Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country.

The scientists published a report in the Royal Society Journal last week that acknowledged there is little data on how efficient or long lasting the current vaccines are, and so it is likely that countries will require a recent vaccination.

Having endless vaccinations when there is no indication of how effective they are, or what long term side effects there may be sounds absolutely mental, but that is what is being suggested.
