This is one of the best articles that I have read on weight loss. It covers metabolic adaption and how to mitigate it (you can't totally avoid it). It is a long article and is based on scientific studies.

Metabolic Adaptation To Weight Loss And How To Fix It

Ever tried to lose weight? If so, you know that progress doesn’t always come in a straight line. More often than not, you lose weight at first, but then your weight loss slows down. It gets harder over time. Weight loss also seems unpredictable. You keep following the same plan, but you might lose two pounds one week, only a pound another week and nothing at all some weeks. And at the end of course, the work is only beginning. Maintenance is the real challenge.
7 Strategies To Combat Metabolic Adaptation To Weight Loss
1. Don’t lose weight too fast.
2. Keep your protein intake high.
3. Customize carb and fat intake for your own personal preference.
4. Focus on fiber
5. Implement the diet break and refeeding strategies
6. Counteract the drop in energy expenditure by increasing your physical activity
7. Make resistance training with progressive overload the primary focus of your exercise plan.
Read the entire article at the link.