There is nothing even remotely resembling collapse of civilization in the IPBES or IPCC reports. So why do so many people say that’s what they are about?

IPCC's Transformative Change Maximises GOOD QUALITY OF LIFE With GROWTH In Everything

The IPCC’s “transformative change” is not a collapse. Nor is it austerity. It’s positive, it’s growth in everything we value.

I know of only one major thorough high level review that combines climate science with the social sciences to study this transformative change on the social level. That’s, the IPBES study in 2019 with a team of 145 experts, and 350 contributing authors, 32% of them social scientists and 87 lead authors.

IPBES found that the Global Sustainable Development path increases all indicators of good quality of life, material and non material relative to today. This is one of their graphics, which I’ve annotated:
Transformative change maximizes good quality of life with GROWTH, material, non material and economic - IPCC and IPBES
Graphic from the appendix to chapter 4 of the IPBES report in 2019
That is what the reports actually say if you read them instead of listen to the click bait doomist journalists and junk scientists.

Nor do the reports say that we need to have negative GDP or head for an economic depression. They say we need economic growth - but of the right kind, growth as a means for good quality of life which is the real end we aim for.

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